Monday, March 21, 2011


I know that this blog is an epic fail this semester-sorry. But, on a brighter side, I remembered this week. (point for me)

Last week we we focused on parental roles and the importance of both the father and the mother in the home. It allowed me to reflect a little more about how I want my future family to be. How I can prepare now to make sure that I have the family that I want. How I can take what my parents did and make it my own.

I want to be able to raise my kids better than my parents raised me. One of the things that I want to focus on is to treat each child as an individual and get to know their temperament. While I know my parents did a good job on that, I feel that it is something that I can improve on.

I have come to recognize the importance of making your children feel important and loved. Everyone is loved differently, and over time it changes. We need to be able to recognize our children's differences and cater to them. I'm not saying that we need to spoil our children rotten-but we need to understand that each think and feel and learn and understand differently.

We all hate being treated like everyone else, so why should we put our children through it? Nothing could be worse than teaching a child something, and knowing that they don't learn in the way you're teaching. For example: I learn by doing something-I can't just be told, I have to try it myself. Work things out-watch someone-then do it myself. My sister can just hear instructions and do something. She is precise and mimics the instructions to the T. (And that is just one example)

But enough of my ranting-I need to focus on more topics to write about.  Till then...